"This tastes like the cows got into an onion patch." - Napoleon Dynamite, Milk Taster

Harvey Milk was an important civil rights leader from California, which I guess means he was only important to 47.7% of Californians. Milk was gay and fought loudly and proudly (and fiercely, I guess, too) for gay rights back in the 70s before it was the cool thing to do. Needless to say, people didn't like that, and he was killed. Today, his story is "coincidentally" very relevant.
Sean Penn stars in the titular role (which, I presume, will be the only 'tit's in this movie.) James Franco is in this movie as well, and he gets naked.
That, however, is the shame of this movie. It looks kind of boring and standard bio-pic, even though it's directed by Gus Van Sant, has cool actors, and is about a guy whose story is important. This movie should have striven to do more than bring a relatively unknown hero to the attention of a country that by and large doesn't care about gay rights and doesn't want to. It should make us care about him. That's what was so good about "Brokeback Mountain": you looked beyond the butt-sex and actually thought about the complex relationship between the characters. With this, I just get the feeling we'll remember it less as a movie that brought a good man's life to the attention of the world than we will remember it as the one where Spicoli and the drug dealer from "Pineapple Express" totally made out in the pool.
Also, "This film promises to be the 'Milk'-iest movie of the year!!!" BOOM!